Saturday, July 25, 2009

Last saturday in Couze, for the time at least

I am trying to decide how to waste my day. I did clean the bathroom on the main floor. Took a stab at the cobwebs and the floor in the living room. I would love to clean the crystals on the light fixtures in the living room, but that requires something dependable to stand on; for some reason, they bother me more than the floors do. It's a lovely day, dry, sunny, not very hot. Tomorrow is supposed to be a scorcher.

I think I may go shopping. We need some more of those "hairloom" (heirloom) tomatoes. Am going to cook that foie gras I bought the other day at great expense, and need to do something different with this one. (it's raw, shrink wrapped, rather than canned).

later, lillie

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